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How Is Reagan’s Star Wars Dream Coming Along?

How Is Reagan’s Star Wars Dream Coming Along?

In a television address to the country on March 23, 1983, President Ronald Reagan proposed the Strategic Defense Initiative, more commonly known as his Star Wars program, to protect the US from nuclear attack.


The SDI was intended to defend the United States from attack from Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) by intercepting the missiles at various phases of their flight. For the interception, the SDI would require extremely advanced technological systems, yet to be researched and developed. Among the potential components of the defense system were both space- and earth-based laser battle stations, which, by a combination of methods, would direct their killing beams toward moving Soviet targets. Air-based missile platforms and ground-based missiles using other nonnuclear killing mechanisms would constitute the rear echelon of defense and would be concentrated around such major targets as U.S. ICBM silos. The sensors to detect attacks would be based on the ground, in the air, and in space and would use radar, optical, and infrared threat-detection systems.

How is that working out so far?

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