PROP AND STUNT: He hugged and kissed the flag in a cringy photo op, and his base believed him to be a patriotic lover of democracy.
REALITY: He incited an insurrection to block the peaceful power transfer in an election he LOST. Additionally, he is a convicted felon for crimes against democracy. He is breaking laws daily, and the courts are shutting him down. He acts as if he either doesn’t understand the Constitution or worse that he believes he is above the law. Traitor or dumb?
PROP AND STUNT: He staged a purchase of a tacky, red Tesla this week on the White House property as a prop to turn around the rejection of Elon Musk by millions of Americans. Using a prop photo op is a strategy Trump uses to deflect attention away from his cruelty, incompetence and failures. These acts are contrived and embarrassing. However, Trump owes Elon for buying the election, so pretending to buy a Tesla is the least he can do. Trump voters are starting to appear on Instagram expressing shame and regret that they voted for the scam
REALITY: Trump policies are failing, Tesla is bleeding billions, non-cult members are tired of the stunts, and he looks stupid when he does them.
PROP AND STUNT: He has held up the Bible for photo ops, developed the “Trump Bible” and marketed it to his voters for $59.99.
REALITY: When asked, he could not quote a passage from the Bible, he used the Bible in a photo op during a rally of peaceful black protesters, he is selling “Trump” bibles for profit, he golfs on Sundays instead of attending church, and he has broken most of the Ten Commandments.
LIE: During his presidential campaign, he falsely declared that he would be a protector of women. All he has to do to win over his gullible female base is yell at his rallies, ” I LOVE THE WOMEN”, and they get all gooey.
REALITY: He tried to get Mel Gibson’s gun rights reinstated, despite the fact Gibson lost that right as a result of a domestic violence conviction. Was it a coincidence that the female attorney who refused to recommend reinstating Gibson’s right to own a gun was fired? He also instigated the repeal of Roe v Wade, putting millions of women’s health and lives at risk. It is all a stunt, as in the past he was pro-choice. He would probably refuse to take a lie detector test to prove whether or not he ever paid a woman to get an abortion.
Additionally, Trump has defended and befriended at least 20 Republican men ( judges, White House staff, politicians, and journalists) who have been accused, charged, or convicted of sexual abuse or domestic violence. He has bragged about male celebrities being able to grab women by the pussy. The list of women, including an ex-wife, who have credibly accused him of sexual assault counter his pronouncement that he is a protector of women.
LIE: While creating massive price increases, trade wars with allies, and trying to rob Ukraine of its sovereignty by siding with Russia, Trump is falsely declaring that all of these disastrous realities are the fault of former President Joe Biden.
REALITY: Biden is the former president and disagrees with every disastrous policy Trump is inflicting on America. He has no influence on current policies or law-making. President Blamer is duping his supporters with the Biden blame narrative while he laughs behind their backs.
Trump supporters have set a low bar for Trump’s behavior, patriotism, and character. I wonder what the next prop will be. A poster of him with Putin holding an American flag?